Different Types Of Gaskets
The significant polymeric material is polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Not only is it highly chemical resistant, durable, robust, and resistive both electrically and thermally, it is also an extremely cost-effective option for high-performance seals and’ O’ rings. TRP Polymer Solutions here speaks to you through the applications and properties of PTFE. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a robust, resilient elastomer of normal tensile strength but exceptional chemical resistance, as well as excellent thermal and electrical resistivity. PTFE Gaskets consists, at a molecular level, of a sequence of carbon atoms and two fluorine atoms bound to each carbon. Such fluorine atoms surround the carbon chain, forming a thick molecule with very tight carbon-fluorine bonds and a composition of polymers that is harmless to most chemical products. Because of the predominant carbon-fluorine bonds in PTFE–widely considered the strongest single bond in organic chemistry–it offers high flexural...